sobota, 17. januar 2015

Short history of Slovenia

In a few excerpts below,I will try to give you some basic historic perspective on Slovenia

The earliest signs of human settlement in present-day Slovenia were found in Hell Cave near Orehek in Inner Carniola, where two stone tools approximately 250,000 years old were recovered.During the glacial period,Slovenia was inhabited by Neanderthals. The most famous Neanderthal archaeological site in Slovenia is a cave close to Cerkno, where the Divje Babe flute, the oldest known musical instrument in the world was found in 1995.

In the Iron Age, present-day Slovenia was inhabited by Illyrian and Celtic tribes until the 1st century BC, when the Romans conquered the region establishing the provinces of Pannonia and Noricum. What is now western Slovenia was included directly under Roman Italia as part of the X region Venetia et Histria. Important Roman towns located in present-day Slovenia included Emona(Ljubljana), Celeia(Celje)and Poetovio(Ptuj).

Somewhere in 6th century it is belived that first Slavic ancestors of present-day Slovenes settled in the East Alpine area. First independent slavic principality was established north of the Karavanke range (in present-day Austrian regions of Carinthia, Styria and East Tyrol) by the name of Carantania.

Till the 18th century todays Slovenia was involved in many wars and under contantly changing rulers. From 18th till 19th century,experienced a period of peace, with a moderate economic recovery.The political, administrative and economic reforms of the Habsburg rulers Maria Theresa of Austria and Joseph II improved the economic situation of the peasantry, and were well received in general population.

World War I resulted in heavy casualties for Slovenia, particularly on the bloody Soča front. Hundreds of thousands of Slovene conscripts were drafted in the Austro-Hungarian Army, and over 30,000 of them lost their lives during the World War I. Hundreds of thousands of Slovenes were resettled in refugee camps in Italy and Austria.

After WWI Slovenia joined a Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, where it was a partially independent state under the royal rulers from Serbia. On the start of WWII Slovenia was the only present-day European nation and the only part of Yugoslavia that was completely absorbed and annexed into neighboring Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Hungary. War also brought divisions within the Slovenes as one part of the nation decided to colaborate with occupiers and the other one to join communist party in revolt against. Divisions have brought great victims to slovenes and even today nation is split about that period of our history.

After WWII Slovenia again joined Yugoslavia, this time it was a socialist republic of Yugoslavia. Allready bloody war in Slovenia did not end like in other countries in Europe. New communist government wanted to rule out any oposition and they started a killing sprea. It is estimated that some 10000 slovenes were killed with out any judgment. It is on slovenian teritory about 600 known place of executions, in them there are not only slovenes but croatian and serbian soldiers plus civilians, sometimes whole families.This part of slovenian history (extra-judicial killings) is still today a heavy burden for our society, even if majority of people from this period are long gonne. Devisions in slovenian society are still strong depending, from which side your realtives were.

Otherwise a lot of slovenians who grown up and lived in Yugoslavia, do have a good opinon about pass times in communist state. Jobs were guaranteed, you had every year a month or more of paid holidays, health care and education was for free and as a difference from other easter european countries, you could travel abroad. In Yugoslavia, there was almost no crime, drugs or prostitution and you could feel save walking down the road in the middle of the night.Of course there were also minuses but as is in human nature we always forget bad things and remember good ones.

At the end of 90s, Slovenia was at that point still a part of federal socialist republic Yugoslavia, more and more intellectuals and journalist started to raise questions about future in Yugoslavia. Movement to get open and free elections, to serve army at our own teritory and in our language, more openes to west and to reform economy was getting bigger and stronger day by day. In the other part of Yugoslavia, tendencies have been exactly opposite. Different view on our future in Yugoslavia at the end got us in the war and independence. Slovenia was quite lucky or to say better slovenians have been prepared and could resist aggresion on day one and thus avoid more dead and destruction. Croatia and latter Bosnia were not so lucky..

Today´s Slovenia is,as you probably know a part of EU, with open borders, with no conscript army and free market economy. A lot of things changed in last 20 years for Slovenia and slovenians. We have now highways from Austria to Croatia and from Italy to Hungary. In Yugolsavia we had maybe 50 kilomters of highaway. In today´s Slovenia we do not need to go to Austria to buy cheese or car parts or to Italy to get a pair of jeans. Our towns are changing at a fast rate, only in capital Ljubljana in last 10 years more old buildings were restored than in all 60 years in Yugoslavia. Even if our tourist facilities are not so developt as in neighboring Austria or Italy we are coming there.Our tourism is groving every year by 10-15% and almost every tourist going home from Slovenia is impressed and planes to come back again.

This was my attempt to introduce you history of my country in a few sentences. We slovenians use to speak in negative sense about our homeland, I will not do that. From me you get a big invitation to our small country, see for yourself why our promo is FEEL LOVE!!

text was priviously published on commercial webpage

petek, 23. maj 2014

Right time to visit Slovenia? Anytime!

 Green heart of Europe

   Any season is the right season to visit Slovenia. This green part of Europe is indeed a special place – wherever you cross the border, you can expect an exceptional diversity of landscape that changes in spectacular fashion, while friendly people and fine cuisine, health resorts and spas, tourist farms and sports offer something for everyone. This is the place to spoil yourself.

 “Slovenian green”. Slovenia is promoting itself with the brand “I feel Slovenia” - this expresses a balance between nature and the diligence of Slovenians; it speaks of unspoilt nature and the will for us to preserve it.

  Fifth place for Slovenia on prestigious world list


  February 2010

  As the year 2009 drew to a close, National Geographic Society´s Center for Sustainable Destinations and the magazine National Geographic Traveler compiled its sixth successive prestigious Destinations Rated list of the most beautiful locations and destinations in the world. The list for evaluation involved 133 world destinations, which were evaluated by 437 different experts from across the world.Slovenia was ranked a fantastic fifth place, which is shared with Vermont in the USA, Kakadu National Park in Australia and the medieval Alhambra in the Spanish city of Granada. All four destinations in 6th place received 78 points. First place was awarded this year to the Norwegian fjords, with 85 points.

  In the reasoning for the points given to Slovenia, which was represented pictorially by Bled, it was pointed out that Slovenia deserves praise for being “savvy about balancing tourism with preservation of cultural and natural heritage.” The capital city of Ljubljana merits special praise for being “colourful, vibrant, and culturally appealing.” Meanwhile the general view of Slovenia is that “Slovenia's Alps and wine country remain among the most sustainable and authentic places to visit in Europe.”

  Slovenia has one international airport; Airport Ljubljana- Brnik or Airport Jožeta Pučnika. All flights from abroad, end up on this airport. To the capitol Ljubljana,that lies geographicly in centre of Slovenia, is about 25 kilometers. Still the easyest way of getting from the airport, is to order a taxi. The cheapest are companies servicing shuttle and personal taxi transfer. Companies as Airtrail Slovenia or Legende will take you to downtown Ljubljana for as low as 20 eur.

  Both companies also offer sightseeing and transfer to famous tourist sites for a very reasonable price. One day tour to very popular lake Bled will cost you as low as 80 eur. That is including picking you from your hotel, waiting for you in Bled and bringing you back to your place. Another very popular one day tour is to Postojna Caves, departure from Ljubljana to caves and bringing you back will cost you no more than 80 eur, all costs included. Other offers include transfers in neighboring Croatia and Italy, transfer from Ljubljana to airport Zagreb will cost you 130 eur and to amazing croatian cost for as low as 95 eur. If you choose to spend a few more days in Italy, where the most popular destination is of course Venice, Airtrail Slovenia offers to take you there for a reasonable price 180 eur. All drivers speak very good english and have more than enough knowledge about Slovenia, Ljubljana, history, culture and local cousine to make your journey quick passing and very pleasant experience.

 Details can be found on webpage :

nedelja, 18. maj 2014

Most popular places in Slovenia

  Majority of foreign tourist traveling to Slovenia, pick capital Ljubljana as their destination. Ljubljana, or know also as dragon city, (dragon is a official mascot of Ljubljana)is situated in the middle of Slovenia.It is interesting town with mixture of old and new, but all the gems of slovenian tourism are outside of capital.Because Slovenia is a very small country, you can reach allmost any destination in less than hour car ride.

Postojna cave

 The Postojna Cave, is a series of caverns, halls and passages some 20.6km long and over two million years old.Visitors get to see about 5.7km of the cave on one and half hour tour; some 4km of this is covered by an electric train.Postojna Cave has a constant temperature of 8°C to 10°C with a humidity of 95%, so a waterproof jacket and decent shoes are essential. Check the website for package deals, including tickets for Proteus Vivarium and Predjama Castle.

 Bled lake and castle

 The history of Bled castle reaches back to 10th century when the German Emperor Henry II gave his estate at Bled to Bishop Albuin of Brixen.The distinctive feature of the castle is its double structure.Fortified centre part was intended for the feudal lords, whilst the outer part with walls and buildings was intended for the residence of servants. The Bled Castle today is arranged as an exhibition area.
 In the middle of Bled lake you will find the only slovenian island.Surrounded by the mountains of the Julian Alps, the island reigns in the middle of an Alpine lake. Folk custom is that you need to ring a bell in island church, for good fortune.


 Every horse lover should not miss a tour of the Lipica Stud Farm.Lipica is home of Lipizzaner horses. Place where the thoroughbred white Lipizzaner horses have been bred for more than 400 years. Lipizzaners delight fans of classical style, of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, with dressage displays and as carriage horses.


 One of the most photogenic cities in the Mediterranean! Piran, where you´ll feel as though you have stepped right into a picture postcard. You will be charmed by the narrow streets within the old town wall and in the main square, you will be greeted by the statue of the most famous man in Piran, the well-known Giuseppe Tartini.

Slovenia is geographically a very small country.When one visits this beautiful country it can´t stop to wonder,diversity he encounters. Starting from Julian alps in north, passing both glacial lakes in Bled and Bohinj to capital Ljubljana. From capital, where old buildings from Austro-Hungarian times leave a long lasting impression, to Postojna and Škocjan caves and finally to gems of slovenian cost, Portorož and Piran. We mentioned just a few spots on tourist map of Slovenia, but list is much more longer. Slovenia will not let you cold, we belive our official promotion moto FEEL sLOVEnia is right on spot.

 Airtrail Slovenia offers sightseeing and transfers from capital Ljubljana to all tourist spots in Slovenia. We can provide you a driver who will take you to choosen destination, wait you there and bring you back and we charge only kilometers driven. All our drivers speak english and have more than enaf knowledge of local history,cousine and culture to make you ride a pleasant experience.

 Send us an email we will gladly answer all your questions:
Or visit our webpage:

četrtek, 15. maj 2014

Bled lake and Castle!

The history of the castle reaches back to 1004 when the German Emperor Henry II gave his estate at Bled to Bishop Albuin of Brixen. At that time, only a Romanesque tower protected by walls stood in the place of the present day castle. The first castle was built in approximately 1011 but the Bishops of Brixen never resided there. This is precisely why the castle has no luxurious halls as the greater emphasis was placed on the defence system.

In the late Middle Ages more towers were built and the fortifications system was improved. Can you imagine entering through the outer walls with the Gothic arch and walking over the drawbridge above the moat? Today, the moat is filled with earth, but the sight is still able to stir up your imagination.

The distinctive feature of the castle is its double structure – the fortified centre part was intended for the residence of feudal lords, whilst the outer part with walls and buildings was intended for the residence of servants. In 1511 the castle was heavily damaged by the earthquake. Later on, the castle was restored and given its present appearance. The castle buildings are decorated with coats-of-arms painted in the fresco technique or carved in stone.

The Castle Chapel

The most interesting of all the preserved buildings is most certainly the Gothic chapel on the upper coutyard, which was consecrated to the Bishops St. Albuin and St. Ingenium. It was built in the 16th century, and was renovated in the Baroque style around 1700, when it was also painted with illusionist frescoes. Next to the altar there are paintings of the donors of the Bled estate, the German Emperor Henry II and his wife Kunigunda. Their portraits can also be seen in the Church of the Assumption on the Bled Island.

From 1951 to 1961 the castle was restored and embellished with certain architectural details under the leadership of architect Tone Bitenc. The servant building on the lower courtyard was equipped with the castle printing shop, whilst the castle wine cellar found its place exactly beneath it. The upper courtyard hosts a museum which represents the history of Bled.

The Bled Castle today

The Bled Castle is now arranged as an exhibition area. Display rooms next to the chapel present the ancient history of Bled from the first excavations, and the castle in individual stages of its historical development with furniture, characteristic of those times. Although these pieces are not originally from the Bled Castle, they are important as an illustration of the style of living in the historical periods presented.

During the warm months, the castle courtyard hosts numerous cultural events, from which the Medieval Days, when knights present the medieval life to visitors, are the most appreciated.

Airtrail Slovenia offers afordable taxi transfer to Bled for as low as 40 eur.
Check our webpage for more info:
Or send us an email:

Underground magic-Postojna caves

  The Postojna Cave system, a series of caverns, halls and passages some 20.6km long and two million years old, was hollowed out by the Pivka River, which enters a subterranean tunnel near the cave’s entrance. The river continues its deep passage underground, carving out several series of caves, and emerges again as the Unica River.

  Visitors get to see about 5.7km of the cave on 11-hour tours; some 4km of this is covered by an electric train, which takes you to the Big Mountain (Velika Gora) cavern, on a trip that's like entering the secret lair of a James Bond villain. From here a guide escorts you through halls, galleries and caverns in one of four languages (audio guides are available in a further dozen).

 These are dry galleries, decorated with a vast array of white stalactites shaped like needles, enormous icicles and even fragile spaghetti. The stalagmites take familiar shapes – pears, cauliflower and sand castles – but there are also bizarre columns, pillars and translucent curtains that look like rashers of bacon.

 From the Velika Gora cavern you continue across the Russian Bridge , built by prisoners of war in 1916, through the 500m-long Beautiful Caves (Lepe Jame) that are filled with wonderful ribbon-shaped stalactites and stalagmites two million years old (it takes 30 years to produce 1mm of stalactite). The halls of the Beautiful Caves are the farthest point you’ll reach; from here a tunnel stretches to the Black Cave (Črna Jama) and Pivka Cave.

 The tour continues south through the Winter Hall (Zimska Dvorana), past the Diamond Stalagmite and the Pillar Column, which have become symbols of the cave. You then enter the Conference Hall (Kongresna Dvorana), which is the largest in the cave system and can accommodate 10,000 people for musical performances. In the week between Christmas and New Year, the Live Christmas Crib (Jaslice) – the Nativity performed by miming actors – also takes place in the cave. Visitors reboard the train by the Conference Hall and return to the entrance.

 Postojna Cave has a constant temperature of 8°C to 10°C with a humidity of 95%, so a waterproof jacket and decent shoes are essential. Green felt capes can be hired at the entrance for around 2.50 eu Check the website for package deals, including combination tickets that include Proteus Vivarium and Predjama Castle.

Airtrail Slovenia offers comfortable and secure transfer to Postojna for as low as 40 eur.
Check our website for more info:

Or send an email on :

sobota, 29. marec 2014

Portoroz luxury coastal town!

Transfer to Portoroz from Ljubljana airport and other airports in vicinty,Low cost connection from Ljubljana Slovenia

 The poetically named Portorož, or Port of Roses, is home to one of the largest modern marinas on the Adriatic and is the undisputed king of Slovenia's coastal tourism trade. Although it lacks the Venetian old towns that can be found else where along the coast, its numerous hotelsrestaurants, conference centres, spas and casinos make it a popular destination for both foreigners and Slovenes, and an excellent base for day trips and excursions farther afield.

Portorož has been a tourist destination as far back as the 13th century, when it developed a niche as a health resort, and towards the end of the 19th century it became widely known for the healing properties of its mud and salt water baths. This reputation has persisted till today, with the city currently home to no less than six different wellness spas and resorts. Aside from spas, Portorož alsoplays host to various national and international conferences, exhibitions and trade fairs, which enables the city to maintain a bustling vibrant air throughout the entire year. One of its largest annual events is Internautica, an international boat show held every May, which attracts over 400 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors - it's a sight to see even if you're not in the market for a new luxury yacht.

 Published by In your pocket 
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